BVE 2015: Forbidden features new Forscene interface and takes to the stage
At BVE 2015 Forbidden will feature the new Forscene, which was unveiled at IBC2014 and went live in December. The new Forscene interface combines professionally designed graphics with an elegant colour scheme and updated functionality to provide an efficient user experience. Forbidden is also giving Forscene a new infusion of functionality by adding a MAM system.
Through the Forscene MAM, users will have the full potential of the platform — from acquisition to publishing — at their fingertips. Other new Forscene features include the ability to publish with burnt-in timecode or other metadata; expanded multicam logging to support up to 18 cameras simultaneously; and increased support for different formats that enables functions such as editing MXF files during ingest.
Jason Cowan, Forscene commercial manager at Forbidden Technologies, will participate in a session and present a case study during BVE 2015. On Wednesday 25 February from 14:45-15:15 in the UKTI Theatre, Cowan will present a case study: ‘Finding, On-boarding, and Managing Resellers and Distributors.’ In a topic that is very important to many B2B organisations, this case study will focus on how to find, develop, and cultivate successful partnerships with resellers and distributors abroad.
On Thursday 26 February from 14:10-14:55 in the Post Production Theatre, Cowan will participate in a panel discussion: ‘The Sky’s the Limit — Getting Ahead in the Cloud to See the Potential Value of Remote Editing.’ During this session Cowan, along with other industry professionals, will explore the fresh perspectives of remote editing possibilities and collaboration opportunities for post, discuss the bandwidth requirements for remote editing, and look at innovative ways to create and transfer content.