FutureSPORT 2018: Zanni to present IABM insight into trends in broadcast production

IABM head of Insight & Analysis Lorenzo Zanni will lead off proceedings at SVG Europe’s FutureSPORT event, to be held at Old Trafford in Manchester on 29 November.

What are the most salient recent trends in the sports broadcast production sector? We’re certainly seeing constant pressure on budgets, the need for speed and multi-platform content generation, and the inexorable rise of eSports.

Among technology trends for sports, IP/remote production, UHD and VR/AR production and AI/machine learning are to the fore. For this presentation, the IABM draws on latest research among its over 500 member companies in 55 countries, to extract key trends that can point the way forward for our business. The presenter is Lorenzo Zanni, head of Insight & Analysis.

The full FutureSPORT programme can be viewed here.


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