FutureSPORT 2019: Virtualised hardware for sports production to be debated on 26 November at Chelsea FC
ATP Media chief technology officer Shane Warden will lead a discussion at FutureSPORT 2019 (26 November, Chelsea FC) on the potentially thorny subject of virtualised hardware.
The seminar, called ‘Virtualised Hardware for Sports Production: Breaking the Deadlock’, will take its lead from the desire of several tier-one sports rights owners, service providers and broadcasters to collectively map out future technology roadmaps that rely heavily on the use of virtualised hardware for sports production and broadcasting.
The session will debate the promise of virtualisation, outline end-user hopes and future requirements and propose ways that the industry can come together to transform the business of live sports production.
FutureSPORT 2019 will take place at Chelsea FC’s Stamford Bridge stadium in London on Tuesday 26 November. The conference will pay particular attention to contribution and distribution within sports broadcasting.
As with all SVG Europe events, there will be plenty of networking opportunities throughout FutureSPORT 2019 and delegates will also get the chance to take part in a guided tour of Stamford Bridge.
To find out more and to register* visit: https://www.svgeurope.org/future-sport-2019/registration/
*Registration closes on 12 November