Gearhouse Broadcast launches HD9 hybrid supertruck for Australian broadcasters
Gearhouse Broadcast has launched the new HD9 supertruck from the Australian arm of its business. HD9, the country’s first multi-purpose and hybrid OB truck, offers bespoke broadcast services to its users by allowing them to scale the workflow inside the facility. V8 Media required an on-site facility to deliver a high-end multi-camera production for its 2015 V8 Supercar coverage. Requiring both RF and on-board camera systems and on-air graphics solutions, HD9 was built to provide a state-of-the-art production facility for Fox Sports. It’s also been set up to integrate fully with the broadcaster’s existing HD5 supertruck. Among the technical workflows, HD9’s scalable work area gives space to operators and technicians who have previously been out-boarded into multiple site sheds, allowing crews to work together in the same facility.
The truck incorporates Sony MVS7000X VMU switchers, Lawo MC56 audio consoles, Riedel communications and Miranda NV hybrid routing matrices. The truck is designed so that it can be used in many different configurations. As a fully stand-alone OB facility, HD9 is capable of managing 14 cameras with four eight channel EVS XT3 replay servers and associated hardware.
It can also house facilities to deploy up to 18 wireless camera systems, 16 combined and filtered UHF communications bases and 12 channels of wireless microphone and IFB equipment. The additional inclusion of nine Viz Engine graphics systems from Vizrt makes HD9 an incredibly powerful live production facility.
“While HD9 has been initially set up to provide the right facility for Fox Sports’ V8 Supercar TV broadcasts, its scalability to be optimised for any production makes it really unique,” said Stephen Edwards, head of engineering at Gearhouse Broadcast Australia. “With this truck, Gearhouse has successfully closed a gap in the market for a real hybrid facility. HD9 can be a small truck with a large production area, a supertruck or a hybrid truck with all the RF and IFP bells and whistles. By building it in this fully flexible way we’re able to deliver a bespoke product to our client no matter the project.”