Job of the Week: Digital Campaign Manager Sports, WWP

Every week SVG Europe and join forces to bring you details of a new, much sought-after employment opportunity in sports broadcasting or related disciplines. This week’s position is based in Vienna, Austria, and involves serving as digital campaign manager sports for WWP Weirather-Wenzel & Partner GmbH.

WWP says that its target is to set milestones in sports communications with professional know-how in an “international business full of emotions. We see challenges as a chance to be successful day in, day out.”

Desired skills for the digital campaign manager sports role include: familiarity, experience and passion with regard to the social and digital technology universe, including measurement techniques; fundamental knowledge of digital and social media communication, social media platforms and landing pages; capability in conception and implementation of brand campaigns in digital and social media platforms; and agency and/or client experience within a marketing function.

For more information, and to apply, please visit

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