IBC in perspective: SVG’s definitive editorial guide to what happened in Amsterdam
With IBC almost one month behind us, the SportTechLive@IBC Blog from SVG’s European and American editorial teams remains the most comprehensive guide to what happened at the Amsterdam show.
The Blog ran from early August with preview stories from SVG sponsors, and continued through the show with our easy-to-digest SportTechBuzz newsletters each morning — and then on to multiple IBC Reflections stories from Platinum sponsors on both continents over the past weeks post-event.
SVG’s unrivalled editorial team provided hundreds of stories across the piece, in what is by a long distance the most comprehensive and analytical view of all the major developments at the show from a sports broadcast perspective.
The Blog remains available as a searchable resource, for you to look back at for trends, technologies, new products or specific vendors you need to catch up on from IBC2018.
Check out the best IBC show coverage here: https://www.svgeurope.org/blog/category/ibc-2018/