Infront Sports, Media AG open new studio facility in Milan

A new TV control room built by Infront Sports and Media AG in Milan is at the center of a centralised studio facility that is being used by Al Jazeera, Milan Central, and others to create sport and other programs. The improved facility replaces the use of an OB vehicle that previously was parked outside of the studio.

Built by Italian system integrator Professional Show in only two months, the quick construction benefitted from pre-testing of components at a lab in Limena.

“We produce and manage the whole of Milan Channel and we create several hours of programmes for Al Jazeera,” says Claude Cavallotti, Infront Italy production director.

The goal was to offer not only better quality but better control over the production process. Equipment includes a Grass Valley Kayak vision mixer, Grass Valley LDK6000 and Panasonic AK-HC3500 cameras, Evertz “glue products” and terminal gear, an Evertz VIP multi-viewer, and a TSL Tallyman that handles all under monitor display and interfaces

HD signals between the studio and control room travel through an Evertz 3405FR-XLINK that supports up to 32 HD/SD signals. A Nexus Star by Stagetech is the core audio mixer, offering totally redundant operations including dual power supply, control cards, and fibre links to the various conversion devices strategically scattered in the production center.

Infront Sports Italy and Media AG handle everything from motor bike races to athletics, winter sports to football and Formula 1, and many more sports. Programming originates in three studios: a 1,200, 1,000, and 600 square metre studio.


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