Integrated Microwave Technologies intros HD transmitter to Euro market
Integrated Microwave Technologies, LLC (IMT), a Business Unit within the Vitec Group’s Videocom Division, will introduce its RF Central 2-GHz microLite HD transmitter to the European market.
The camera-mountable 2-GHz microLite HD transmitter features SD/HD encoding capabilities in a miniature transmit solution package and has been specially designed to address both domestic and international broadcasting band requirements within a single unit. The 2-GHz microLite HD now includes coverage from 1.9- to 2.5-GHz and delivers up to 200mW from a package of less than 12 cubic inches. Developed for a new generation of HD (SDI) capable compact cameras, the transmitter supports video and embedded audio transmission. The unit’s size makes it ideal for broadcast ENG operations.
“The 2-GHz microLite HD transmitter is a product focused on the immediate needs of today’s broadcaster,” says Integrated Microwave Technologies Divisional Chief Executive Stephen Shpock. “We are happy to officially introduce this product to the international broadcast community at IBC 2012.”
The 2-GHz microLite HD may be camera mounted via a hot shoe or paired with Litepanels’ camera-mounted lighting solutions. It features superb H.264 SD and HD encoding capabilities, and operates in the standard 2k DVB-T COFDM mode. The H.264 video encoder supports the main profile of the H.264 standard, providing a 30 percent bit-rate reduction or video quality improvement compared to encoders that only support the H.264 baseline profile.
Like all RF Central products, the 2-GHz microLite HD has a user-friendly local control panel. It has four keys to control preset selection, high/low RF power, TX/standby and color bars. The 2-GHz microLite HD is a perfect companion to IMT’s microLite HD receiver, combining with it to form a complete link.
Aviation daredevil Yves “Jetman” Rossy will be a special guest speaker at the company’s booth. Rossy will be on hand to discuss his amazing accomplishments in aviation and his use of IMT’s microLite transmitter and receiver during his perilous and breathtaking flights. Rossy will be speaking at the IMT booth on Monday, September 10th at 12:00 and 15:00.
Rossy is a Swiss pilot, inventor, and aviation trailblazer. In 2006, he became the first and only person ever to achieve sustained human flight using a jet-powered fixed wing strapped to his back. This jet pack has earned him the nickname of “Jetman.”
From two GoPro cameras mounted on the wing tips, the IMT microLite transmitter provides high-quality full HD video directly to the ground-based receive equipment. With flight distances of more than 4KM, the small, ultra-lightweight transmitter provides seamless video directly to the crowd below via large video walls on the ground. The microLite dual diversity receiver helps to ensure that there is always a signal, with no dropouts. Its ease of use and ultra-low electrical power requirements fit all of Rossy’s requirements for video transmission equipment. Additionally, the antenna chosen for the wing was the Blade antenna from IMT’s sister company, Haigh-Farr, which represents some of the finest antenna engineering in the world. Offering a truly hemispherical pattern, the High-Fair antenna helps ensure that the signal is transmitted to the ground.
“What Yves Rossy has been able to achieve is nothing short of spectacular and the fact that IMT’s technology is allowing him to show live HD video and audio on the ground while he is in the air is a testament to the engineering and build quality of our products,” says Integrated Microwave Technologies Divisional Chief Executive Stephen Shpock. “Yves has incredible stories to tell and we encourage all of those in attendance at IBC to come meet him and listen to him discuss his amazing feats of flight.”
In May 2008, in front of the worldwide press, Rossy completed his first official flight over the Swiss Alps. In September 2008, 99 years after the first crossing of the English Channel by air, the man now known as “Jetman” followed the path of famed French aviator Louis Blériot, achieving an amazing flight that was broadcast live to 165 countries and widely covered by the worldwide press.
IMT launches Nucomm Connect Live COFDM
Integrated Microwave Technologies unveiled its Nucomm Connect Live COFDM and multi-4G/LTE live-video HD transmitter at IBC2012 (Stand 1.D40).
With video quality as its cornerstone, the Nucomm Connect Live combines the ultimate inCOFDM wireless camera and 4G technology to produce the most versatile live-news wireless camera system on the market today.
In COFDM mode, the unit covers the 1.9- to 2.7-GHz frequency band. Additionally, the unit is available in the 5.8-GHz non-licensed band. For day-to-day news coverage, the multiple 3G/4G links can be used to transport HD video back to the studio in near real-time. Depending on the operator’s specific needs in the field, latency versus video quality can be quickly tuned between three preset modes (interview, balanced and high-quality) via the intuitive-touch LCD display.
“The Connect Live is essentially two products in one,” says Integrated MicrowaveTechnologies Divisional Chief Executive Stephen Shpock. “With its dual COFDM and multiple 3G/4G capabilities, it is ideally suited for live and outside broadcast as well as news bureau applications. These new 3G/4G capabilities allow broadcasters to cover live breaking news from locations that would have been too costly or difficult to reach with traditional methods. Connect Live also offers an economical option for added flexibility and reach for breaking news and real-time reporting.”
The Connect Live utilizes advanced adaptive encoding and bonding techniques to compensate for changing network conditions by adjusting frame rate, resolution, encoding rates and streaming parameters. With a boot-up time of less than 30 seconds, rapid deployment is possible. Available formats include 480i, 576i, 720p and 1080i. The unit can also be configured to accept composite, HD-SDI and SD-SDI. In addition, audio capabilities include analog and fully embedded audio.
The Connect Decoder is the companion receiver/decoder capable of receiving the COFDM or video from the public Internet. When combined with the Messenger Studio server, it harnesses all the power of rapid file transfers between the Connect Live wireless camera transmitter and the studio.