Mobile Viewpoint 3G, 4G tech helps to deliver UEFA Championship coverage
On 15 May, more than five news crews reported live on the UEFA Championship in Amsterdam using Mobile Viewpoint technology. Broadcasters using the technology included the BBC and Portugal’s RTP and SIC.
With their Mobile Viewpoint LTE and WMT units these news crews were able to report live on events related to the Chelsea – Benfica UEFA final in the Amsterdam Arena, the Netherlands. Each deployed a flexible alternative (3G/4G) to satellite uplink to transmit live video in broadcast quality.
Mobile Viewpoint adds that, in addition RTP and SIC, Portuguese commercial broadcaster TVI was also in Amsterdam using WMT technology provided by Mobile Viewpoint. In addition, local broadcaster AT5 reported live from the heart of the city using its WMT backpack.
Michel Bais, managing director of Mobile Viewpoint, comments: “Yesterday the BBC used their LTE set again in Amsterdam. The recent re-opening of the Rijksmuseum and the inauguration of the new King of The Netherlands on April 30th were both broadcasted by the BBC using their Mobile Viewpoint LTE unit. With the LTE technology, based on 4G, even with large crowds of football fans all using their smartphones yesterday the signal was of perfect broadcast quality.”