NRK completes its journey to HD with Sony XDCAM cameras and optical fibre adaptors

The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) is in the process of completing its transition to high definition and in this regard has invested in new XDCAM cameras from Sony. The cameras will be used to produce national and regional news and also for sports and regional transmissions.

During the summer, NRK announced a mini tender as part of a framework agreement for the procurement of cameras. The tender was awarded to Sony, who will supply NRK with the new XDCAM technology. A total of around 130 cameras will be rolled out to NRK offices.

Sixty of the cameras are the PXW-X200 model, which was launched at IBC in September. The other 70 cameras are PXW-X500 CCD sensor 1080p50 cameras. Both cameras are solid-state memory XDCAM cameras that are ideal for a number of different HD productions, such as electronic newsgathering (ENG), sports production, live production and documentaries.

In addition to the investment in cameras, NRK has chosen to buy 15 CA-FB70 optical fibre adaptors with camera control units (CCUs). The optical fibre adaptors facilitate flexible and cost-effective use of the cameras, and the ENG cameras can be easily used as system cameras.

“The tender process within the framework agreement has provided a solution with the perfect balance of price and performance”, said Are Andreassen, head of Production Facilities, NRK.

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