Opta Sport Daten AG, Hego Trac AB to deliver Bundesliga data
As of the 2013/14 season, Opta Sport Daten AG and Hego Trac AB will be collating the official match data for the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2. The DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga contracted the two data providers at the end of a open tender process.
Opta Sport Daten AG and Hego Trac AB, operating as a consortium, currently have several Bundesliga clubs on their extensive international client list. The contract with the DFL runs until the end of 2016/17 and the main focus of the assignment will be on the delivery of information for match analysis.
The package will make additional data and video-based material available to the clubs at no additional cost. Opta will mainly provide match-specific statistics on goals, assists, throw-ins, etc, whilst Hego Trac AB will focus on tracking data such as player movement.
The agreement also gives the consortium non-exclusive rights to market the official Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 data to the media, betting agencies, clubs and league associations.