Panasonic screen dominates 2012 BMX track
As the Olympic test events wind on, today is the turn of the BMX Supercross. 14,000 cubic metres of earth were used in the final construction of the 470m track, while next door to the 8m high start looms an enormous 38sqm Panasonic LED screen relaying the action to the 6000 spectators at the event.
The screen is not the largest that Panasonic will deploy during the Olympic test events – that privilege is reserved for the 52sqm behemoth to be used at next year’s hockey – but it’s the largest to date and still only a glimpse of the sheer digital signage and screen power that the company will be deploying at London 2012.
Thousands of plasmas have essentially been earmarked for the Games, with the company’s 103-in models proving particularly popular, and even four sales of the gigantic – both in terms of size and cost – new 152-in plasmas launched at the Monaco Boat Show.
Today’s screen trumps them all, however, and as well as the host feed produced by the mid-sized CTV OB trucks in the small compound (Arena units are visible outside the temporary but still impressive basketball stadium next door) it’s also displaying crowd shots etc captured via an AJ-HPX371 and transmitted wirelessly using Link Research kit. The results are impressive, showcasing the action nicely as the riders catch air over the jumps and swoop round the berms of the track. It takes the men approximately 41 seconds to compete the course…and entertainingly enough, and hard work for the cameramen dotted around the track, a good proportion of that time seems to be spent in the air.
And when that all goes awry and an athlete ends up on the deck? While the medical team intervene the PA plays the theme from Mash… It’s a harsh sport but it’s an exhilarating one.