Ross Ultrix scores with TF1 in the IBC at Porte de Versailles
With the eyes of Europe firmly on France and the summer’s football tournament, France’s TF1 has been relying on Ross Video to help manage the various signals and feeds coming into the International Broadcast Centre (IBC) – the 30,00m2 broadcast hub facility located within Paris Expo at Porte de Versailles in Paris.
Star of the show so far has been the Ultrix router platform. TF1 is using Ultriscape — the software-enabled multiviewer within the Ultrix frame – to monitor feeds from matches and stadia all over France within the IBC.
“With Ultrix, we were able to set up a high-quality, multi-output, low latency monitoring system very quickly and easily,” said Yves Bouillon, Outside Production Technical Manager with TF1. “The chassis is only 2RU and enables us to monitor up to 72 inputs across up to 12 multiviewer outputs, saving us a substantial amount of space. Ultrix is incredibly compact and flexible”.
Flexibility stems from the fact that additional features can be added to Ultrix via software, with no need for additional specialised hardware or real estate. This has given TF1 the ability to configure and modify their frames as appropriate to the application. “The flexible design of Ultrix allows us to purchase the base hardware and then turn on the features we need via software licenses at any time”, commented Bouillon.
“We are very pleased to be working with TF1 and we’re delighted that they have chosen to use Ultrix for the first time at such a prestigious and important sporting event”, says Todd Riggs, Ross Video’s Business Development Manger for Infrastructure. “The platform was always designed to help customers create more powerful productions more simply and easily, and I think TF1’s confidence in the product shows we’ve achieved precisely that.”