Sport Production Summit: Anatomy of a 4K UHD OB Truck – New Perspectives
We’re now seeing an increasing supply of large-scale 4K UHD OB trucks rolling out across Europe to service the burgeoning demand for Ultra HD broadcast production. At Sport Production Summit September 8 in Amsterdam, we are delighted to bring together Eamonn Curtin, Telegenic; Keith Lane, Sky Sports UK; Ronald Meyvisch, Euro Media Group; Dafydd Rees, Arena TV; and John Turnbull, NEP UK, to discuss these major developments with SVG Europe moderator Will Strauss.
OB service providers are making the move to 4K UHD and embracing developments in IP-based video production with new trucks having rolled out this summer. The facility providers have taken differing paths, but all are implementing emerging technologies that they believe will best serve broadcast clients in coming years.
What are the key decisions around cameras, IP switching, vision mixers, servers, control, monitoring – especially with standardisation and interoperability issues still swirling around the industry? Will the new generation accommodate the desired single-truck UHD/HD production workflow?
Moderator: Will Strauss, SVG Europe, Contributor
Panellists: Eamonn Curtin, Telegenic, Commercial Director
Keith Lane, Sky Sports, Director of Operations
Ronald Meyvisch, Euro Media Group, CTO
Dafydd Rees, Arena Television, Deputy Director of Operations
John Turnbull, NEP UK, Deputy Managing Director
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