SVG Europe launches programme, registration for Sport Production Summit 2015
Following hot on the heels of acclaimed Football Production Summit (March), SportTech (May) and – in conjunction with – Champions’ League Summit (June) events, SVG Europe has published the agenda for its next one-day conference: the Sport Production Summit 2015, which will take place at Amsterdam’s Hotel Krasnapolsky on 10 September ahead of IBC 2015.
Hugely successful in 2013 and 2014, the Sport Production Summit is once more a welcome opportunity to take stock of the latest industry trends and examine in detail the workflows involved with some of this summer’s leading tournaments.
Sponsored by Tata Communications, the Sport Production Summit comprises a diverse and illuminating selection of case studies and panel discussions. The summit provides an invaluable opportunity to meet the leaders in sport production as well as SVG Europe sponsors in a relaxed, informal setting.
Confirmed session titles include: UEFA Next Generation Services; New Approaches in OB Design; Sound Affects: the Potential of Immersive Audio for Sports; French Open, Wimbledon Serve Up Innovation; Remote Sports Production: A Pac-12 Revolution; BT Sport Ultra HD: Europe’s First 4K Channel; and View From the Top: Making Big Plans for 2016.
New to the format for 2015 are a series of special presentations by SVG Europe’s Platinum level sponsors: Dolby, EVS, Harman Group and SOS Global Express.
For a full programme, and to register, please visit