Tedial stays in touch with remote working customers and staff

Tedial has stated that it has been able to continue high levels of support for customers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and that customers and staff are able to work fully remotely using any of its systems.

Emilio L. Zapata, CEO at Tedial, commented on the company’s message to customers and partners around Europe in light of the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic: “The health of our employees and their families, our customers and our partners is our first priority during these challenging times. We share everyone’s concerns arising from the uncertainty of our current global situation brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Fortunately, none of our employees or collaborators are infected or affected. To ensure their continued safety, our staff are tele-working until further notice. As challenging as everyone’s circumstances are, we remain an active participant in the global media industry as today the world depends on the media for up-to-the-minute information. The business continuity measures that Tedial has implemented allow us to maintain the same level of service and attention our customers are accustomed to and guarantee that we can be reached as usual via telephone, email, videoconference or our support portal,” Zapata stated.

He stated that its sports broadcasting customers are using a lot more archived content at this time: “We are seeing a greater need by our sports customers for accessibility of their archive content through our solutions. This is where the integration of multiple storage tiers and locations through our aSTORM content management solution allows them to effectively access and utilise their content to maintain a continuity of channel output in the absence of ‘live’ events.”

All Tedial solutions including Evolution MAM, Hyper IMF for enhanced content delivery, as well as Smartlive are fully cloud compliant for remote operations. User interfaces are web based with HTML5 technologies, which can be used anywhere, anytime.

Added Zapata: “Our customers and staff can access their Tedial solution from home irrespective of whether it is an on-prem, hybrid or full cloud solution and continue working on a ‘business as usual’ scenario.”


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