TV 2 expands use of IDS at Bergen and Oslo facilities
Norway’s largest commercial broadcaster, TV 2, has extended its use of IPE’s Intelligent Display System (IDS) to its sister broadcast and production facilities situated in Bergen and Oslo. The IDS system has been deployed and expanded at TV 2’s studios, galleries and offscreen commentator rooms at the Bergen and Oslo sites to provide information and control throughout each facility.
Used in conjunction with TV 2’s booking system and a Lawo Virtual Studio Manager (VSM), IDS displays provide information – at a glance – as to when a studio is scheduled for rehearsal, recording, or on-air, as well as the type of production. A live IPTV video feed of the channel that is being worked on in a studio or commentary room can also be shown on the displays.
TV 2 system integrator Alf-Inge Tønder said: “IDS is a very dynamic display. If nothing is scheduled, IDS goes into sleep mode, but clearly identifies the facility as available for use during certain periods. As soon as a scheduled task, program or function is triggered, a completely automated set up that adheres to the preferences of the user, program, or function kicks in immediately and the room, studio, lighting and other technologies are ready to go. It’s a substantial time and money saver as opposed to traditional means of achieving setup and establishing relevant functionality.”
The TV 2 IDS system includes door displays, scheduling information, tallies, and video feeds, all derived from different systems within their existing workflow.
Tønder added: “IDS is very easy to learn, and it’s also very easy to expand. We are still discovering new time saving tasks it can perform and are steadily incorporating those into our workflow. It just automates time-consuming tasks and makes everything so much smoother.”
IPE Head of Sales and Support Reuben Such said: “The beauty of IDS is that, once installed, it can continue to evolve and be configured to take on new or different tasks as required. Once it’s installed, users soon can’t recall how they got along without it.”