‘Workflow utopia’ and the future of content production under discussion at HITS Europe 2016
HITS (Hollywood IT Society) Europe has announced details of its 2016 summit, which is scheduled to take place in London on 22 June 2016. The venue will be The Bloomsbury Hotel at 16-22 Great Russell Street, WC1B 3NN.
Following a light lunch at 12.30pm, the summit programme will begin at 1.30pm and include sessions entitled: Striving towards Workflow Utopia; Bringing Order to Chaos: Film Production Moves into the Future; Workflows in The Cloud – It’s No Longer Why? But How?; Data is Driving the Entertainment Industry to a New Level; The Making of ‘The Suitcase’ Film; Anatomy of a Leak: Creating a Culture of Security at BBC Worldwide; Breaking Down Asset Silos; File Format Overload – Finding a Solution; and Archive and Catalogue Access and Retrieval.
Speakers set to contribute include: Robin Boldon, director of digital distribution, BBC Worldwide; Rod Carter, head of GE operations, ITV Studios; Pedro Cosa, deputy head of analytics, Channel 4; Joel Sloss, program manager, global ecosystem & compliance, Microsoft; and Jim Bottoms, executive director, MESA Europe.
For a full programme, and to register, please visit https://www.mesaeurope.org/events/hits-europe-2016/hits-europe-2016-programme/.