General Cable Launches Gepco Line of Water-Resistant Cables
General Cable’s (C7408) new Gepco brand HydroBloc water-resistant cables are UL-rated and compliant with the TIA-455-82-B water-penetration test. They feature an advanced water-blocked construction, a sunlight- and moisture-resistant jacket, and a ripcord for ease of stripping for audio/control versions.
The water-block construction starts with a two-ply water-blocking tape for superior protection. In contrast to one-ply tape in which water-blocking polymer is attached to one side of a fiber filament tape, the two-ply tape has the water-blocking polymer sandwiched between two fiber filament tapes, which allows for increased volume of the polymer. In addition, HydroBloc cables (with the exception of coax versions) utilize water-swellable fillers for added protection. This construction results in greater swell heights to better fill any voids and prevent water from migrating down the cable and disrupting any electrical characteristics should there be a cut or slit in the jacket.
The HydroBloc line comes in a variety of cable types, in both shielded and unshielded versions, to cover an array of applications, such as data or power control, multi-pair audio, general-purpose audio, speaker, communications, power-limited circuits (fire alarm and tray cable), low-voltage industrial process control, CATV, and HDTV.