DTV Audio Group Forum at NAB To Feature Black Sails Mix Team
The Emmy-Award-winning Black Sails mix team joins DTVAG at NAB2016 to discuss Dolby Atmos mixing for episodic television. On Sunday, April 17, the DTV Audio Group Forum at NAB will include an in-depth discussion of the workflow implications of advanced surround for premium episodic television. The meeting takes place from 1:00 to 6:00 pm at the Alexis Park Hotel. REGISTER TODAY.
Re-recording mixers, Onnalee Blank and Matt Waters will be joined by Supervising Sound Editor, Ben Cook, Producer, Jonathan Brytus, and Starz Entertainment, Principal Audio Engineer, Sean Richardson. In addition to mixing Black Sails for Starz, Blank and Waters are known for their work on HBO’s Game of Thrones, for which they share two sound-mixing Emmys.
The ascendency of premium episodic content has gone hand in hand with increasing production audio and image quality that continues to blur the line between Cinema and Television. As productions like Black Sails begin to make the transition to Atmos mixing, our discussion will explore the implication on time and budget of supporting advanced surround, along with the opportunities created to enhance the viewer experiences.