Telson installs Axon units
Spain: Spanish television facilities company, Telson, which transmits many headline digital TV channels across Europe from its base in Madrid, has selected TRACS multichannel compliance recording units from Axon. The equipment, which is supplied by Axon’s Spanish dealer, Promovisa, is being used to support Telson’s operations for one of the three biggest global family home entertainment companies.
The project sees an Axon 8-channel SD encoder (T2R08) and a 4-channel HD encoder (T2H04) being installed at Telson’s Madrid headquarters. The system will enable Telson’s customer to execute its legal six-month period compliance requirement for its 12 channels.
“We have put considerable effort into the development of our compliance recording systems and this prestigious contract is a reward for our efforts,” commented Harry Kanters, Axon’s Director of Marketing & Sales. “Telson’s facilities offer state-of-the-art technologies and our TRACS system fit in perfectly”
Axon has been supplying compliance recording equipment for many years and introduced the multi-channel units last year. Compliance recording is obligatory in many countries and has to be reliable, cost-efficient, easy-to-use, compact and safe. All these elements are incorporated in Axon’s TRACS system. The new multi-channel units use external storage which enables unlimited storage capacity. All TRACS units, single as well as multi-channel, are able to record 16 channels of audio, record Teletext or Closed Captions, have WSS detection and burned-in date and/or time on the video input.