Civolution synchronises second screen
Civolution will be demoing new second-screen synchronisation and automatic content recognition applications at NAB that enable synchronisation of content between TV and other devices – such as tablets and mobiles, or within the TV itself.
The Automatic Content Recognition solution is an integrated application designed for connected media devices such as smart TVs. It allows content (re)placement or triggering of events based on identifying the viewed content. Using advanced content identification technologies, triggered events are accurate and transparent to any type of distribution or time shift.
The Second-Screen Synchronisation application allows for the automatic identification of the TV channel being watched and the content being played. Upon identification it enables precise time-synchronisation between content played on TV and mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. The realtime interactivity between the devices, enabled by content identification, automatically handles distribution delays and supports time-shifted viewing.
“In today’s media universe of multi-platforms and a growing variety of viewing devices it is crucial for content owners and advertisers to interact with the content and to better communicate with consumers. Our media synchronization applications enable the industry to connect with the consumer specifically based on the content they are currently watching in real time or time-shifted’’ commented Alex Terpstra, CEO, Civolution.