Clear-Com aids work-from-home productions around the world
With many productions around the world currently operating from the homes of staff and on-screen talent due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Clear-Com has seen a rise in the adoption of Agent-IC, its mobile app for iOS and Android that turns smartphones, tablets and wearable devices into fully-featured intercom panels with connectivity over WiFi, 3G, 4G, and LTE networks.
Bob Boster, president, Clear-Com, said, “Clear-Com has always had a broad offering of products and solutions for various workflows and working conditions. While it would be fair to say we never imagined our current scenario, Agent-IC is providing a simple yet highly effective solution to help production teams working-from-home all over the world stay connected.”
Since its launch in 2015, Agent-IC has been used extensively to provide an easy-to-implement communication solution between facility-based staff and production teams on location for field reporting, live event production, remote coordination and other critical tasks.
Local and remote LQ devices can access up to 48 Agent-IC users, where LQ acts as a server for the app. With a Clear-Com’s Eclipse mainframe in the studio, many more Agent-IC users can access the production intercom remotely—the number of users able to access the main intercom can vary depending on the quantity of IP ports on the E-IPA cards.
Broadcast stations of varying sizes throughout the world, including Verizon Media, Philadelphia’s WFMZ/WDPN-TV and Germany’s Home Shopping Europe (HSE24), are now looking to Agent-IC to meet their production needs from home, and in the last two weeks alone, more than 30 customers have added the app to their networks.
For Verizon Media, the adaptive connectivity of their Eclipse frame has allowed production teams to take full advantage of their Agent-IC mobile clients, granting full remote access to connect comms to their base intercom system without having anyone in the studio.