Custom Consoles’ desk and Media Wall chosen for BCR Project at BBC Scotland
Custom Consoles has announced the completion of a 7 metre wide desk and 4.23 metre wide MediaWall display mounting grid for the bulletin control room at Pacific Quay headquarters of BBC Scotland. The desk and MediaWall are designed for simultaneous use by a five-strong team. The project was performed in cooperation with ATG Danmon, one of Britain’s leading system integrators.
Based on the Module-R Lite series, the desk incorporates a 2.23 metre wide audio control wing positioned at 90 degrees to the main section. This houses a Calrec Brio audio mixing console within easy reach of the technical operator.
“Module-R Lite and Media Wall were the logical choice as they provided all the features required within very compact front-to-back dimensions,” commented ATG Danmon managing director Russell Peirson-Hagger. “Module-R and Module-R Lite gave us the freedom to match the precise requirements without incurring the cost and time issues associated with bespoke furniture. Custom Consoles also has long experience in detailed aspects of desk and display-wall manufacture such cable management and equipment access for post-installation maintenance. The company also excels in terms of robust construction, good ergonomics and attractive styling.”
“Module-R Lite has the same work surface dimensions as the standard Module-R but a front to back depth of just 95 centimetres compared with 120 centimetres,” added Custom Consoles’ sales manager, Gary Fuller. “This offers a significant advantage where space is an issue. The BCR desk is configured with 14 bays. Two are assigned to the news editing position, three shared between the teleprompter and producer, three to the director and six bays plus the right-hand desktop to the technical operator. The desk faces straight on to the Media Wall which is centrally positioned for easy viewing but all five members of the bulletin control room team.”
A mix-and-matchable control room furniture range, Custom Consoles’ Module-R allows aesthetically attractive long-life desks to be configured to meet specific shapes and dimensions from a selection of high-quality pods, base sections, 19 inch rack housings, worktops, end-panel modules and legs. Coordinated desk pods are available as single-bay sections with up 10 U chassis capacity. Module-R has been tested by FIRA to ensure compliance with current ISO standards. It is supplied with full cable management and internal 19 inch racking, accessible via removable front and rear cover panels. All rear surfaces and pods are completely interchangeable. A full length cable brush allows easy reconfiguration.