dock10 schedules open evening to look at file-based delivery and more
dock10, the MediaCityUK-based media services provider, will hold an open evening for its facility at The Landing on Monday 31 March. The exclusive open evening will showcase dock10’s state-of-the-art edit suites and guest speaker Alex Connock, MD of Shine North, will talk about creative collaboration with SMEs and dealing with digital content.
The open evening will follow an afternoon event hosted by dock10, entitled ‘Are you ready for October?’, and looking at the move to file-based delivery.
dock10 was awarded the contract to operate the post production hub at The Landing in 2013, and has subsequently completed several high-profile projects, including Geeks and Idris Elba: King of Speed for Shine North. Currently, Red Production Company is utilising dock10@The Landing for post production on The Driver, which is due for transmission on BBC1 respectively.
The Landing, situated across seven floors of the Blue Building at MediaCityUK, is funded through the European Regional Development Fund, Northwest Development Agency and Salford City Council. The high tech hub is the first of its kind in the UK outside London, and the UK’s only digital workflow centre.
For more details on the Open Evening please email [email protected].