EBU Network Seminar 2011 approaches

In collaboration with the SMPTE, the EBU Network Seminar 2011 covers the subject ‘Interconnecting your media networks’ and takes place at the EBU’s HQ in Geneva on June 28-29.

Here’s the synopsis: Media networks are gaining in complexity. Today’s interconnected market and ever tightening budgets are encouraging more and more broadcasters to choose all-IP solutions in contribution and shared storage systems. Yet, are these solutions the most reliable, fast and trustworthy? What are the alternatives, are they interoperable/interchangeable?

The EBU Networks Seminar is broadcasters’ annual rendezvous to monitor and discuss about the latest developments in media networks, and consider realistic options for the near future.

Interactive tutorials are a new feature offered in the programme this year. Participants will have the opportunity to analyse one topic more in depth, and discuss your issues in small groups with an expert. Topics covered include: Broadcast media for network specialists; Audio over IP, standards, protocol soup, best practices for migrating from ISDN; Video over IP, standards, protocol soup, best practices; How to guarantee predictable performance.

For full program and registration details head to https://tech.ebu.ch/events/networks11


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