Front Porch Digital to show LYNX cloud system at IBC 2013
LYNX from Front Porch Digital is billed as the the industry’s first enterprise-scale cloud implementation of content storage management (CSM). The system leverages the latest cloud and web technologies to provide a range of networked and distributed solutions.
The company will show LYNXdr and LYNXlocal at IBC2013. LYNXdr is a hosted disaster recovery service that allows global media enterprises to centralise critical assets and consolidate operations, and LYNXlocal is a simple extension to LYNX that operates locally as an appliance, caching cloud content and providing integration to specialized systems if needed. LYNXlocal is billed as a service element at a low monthly rate.
Also set to be shown at IBC, System DIVAdirector V5.2 is the latest version of Front Porch Digital’s DIVAdirector media asset management (MAM) system, a permission-based Web application that enables complete access to file-based content stored by DIVArchive content storage management (CSM) systems. DIVAdirector’s latest enhancements make the MAM more stable and versatile than ever before. With support for multiple audio channels for different language tracks, users can provide multiple language options for a given video file. Behind the scenes, the change from a Linter to PostgreSQL database offers increased stability.
DIVAdirector V5.2 also gives users more quality control options in the form of graphical metadata charts from Front Porch Digital’s SAMMA ingest system. The charts show graphical representations of metadata for video files in order to illustrate visual information such as color, brightness, and luminance. In addition, a new QC import and analysis feature allows users to import and analyse third-party quality-control metadata.
Porch Digital will showcase its DIVArchive V7.1 content storage management (CSM) system and SAMMA product lines at IBC 2013.