Grabyo adds custom hardware integrations and key bindings to live production workflows

As part of its mission to deliver more flexible and accessible live production workflows, Grabyo has built in support for custom hardware integrations and key bindings.

It is now possible to use any keyboard or MIDI controller to produce live broadcasts in Grabyo. This integration works by configuring or ‘mapping’ inputs from a device to actions within Grabyo Producer.

These mappings can also work in two-way communication. If a device has motorised faders or tally lights, any action performed within Producer will activate these functions.

Users can also create Profiles for hardware mapping. If multiple members of a team are using the same piece of kit, but have different preferences, it’s possible to create multiple profiles to map that device with different inputs and actions.

In addition, building on its preset keyboard shortcuts, users can now create their own key bindings using any laptop or desktop machine.

Similar to hardware integrations, it’s now possible to easily create bindings to carry out actions in Producer when pressing any key on a keyboard. Users can now set parameters for these actions – for example, selecting and pushing specific sources to program, sending VODs to media players and more.

Multiple profiles containing key bindings can also be created, so team members can customise their workflow to suit their needs.

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