IBC 2019: Tedial to showcase Version Factory upgrades
Tedial, a MAM technology solutions specialist, is showing Tedial Version Factory upgrades for the first time in Europe, at IBC 2019 on stand 8.B44. Tedial Version Factory is a single efficient and cost effective workflow that supports millions of file inputs, transforming them to delivery configurations, ready to be distributed to multiple platforms from a single operator screen.
Broadcasters and content owners are under constant pressure to distribute massive volumes of content to thousands of linear and non-linear destinations at the lowest possible cost, in the fastest time. Tedial Version Factory updates include: managing ‘on-the-fly’ assembly of unique versions, including pre, post and mid-roll insertions; matching contractual distribution requirements for timely deliveries; enabling IMF-compliant low-resolution proxy edits on media and templates, so seasons of episodes can be managed with a single configuration.
Tedial Version Factory provides a sophisticated and flexible solution that allows businesses to build on a backbone that offers true linear scaling of processes.
“Tedial Version Factory, which is fully compatible with all video on demand (VoD) and over the top (OTT) platforms, allows media companies to control and grow their distribution outlets and their revenue,” explained Esther Mesas, CSO and CMO, Tedial. “By using a single operator screen, users can control end site specifications and changes for easy updates and additions and improve business optimisation increasing revenue by adding distribution outlets. We are delighted to showcase new Tedial Version Factory updates at IBC and look forward to welcoming visitors to our stand.”
Tedial’s Version Factory and its Hyper IMF end to end IMF workflow, which now supports 2018 SMPTE IMF standards, enables Tedial to easily support existing and new platforms, delivering content in the correct format with audio tracks and subtitles in the correct language, as well as any additional components required (artwork, trailers etc.). Tedial Version Factory together with Hyper IMF, is capable of automating thousands of OTT and VOD versioning tasks including ‘on the fly’ delivery, enabling media companies to adapt to the changing consumption environment.
As part of Tedial’s Evolution MAM demonstration at IBC, the company will also show new features to its Evolution aSTORM content management solution, which transparently manages various tiers across departments and multiple territories or in the cloud, for the first time in Europe. aSTORM now includes numerous cost saving features including: optimising transfers between sites for reduced transfer costs; and improved tape migration workflows between technologies for increased resource efficiency resulting in lower migration costs. aSTORM also now supports Oracle cloud storage.