IBC2023: Calrec’s Impulse IP and Argo consoles on show in Amsterdam
Calrec is set to show its full range of broadcast audio solutions to help users focus on distributed production, remote production, remote working, virtualisation and IP, at IBC2023.
The company’s latest products, including the ImPulse1 IP engine and Argo Q and Argo S consoles, will be on stand along with the Remote Production Unit (RP1) now with an extended DSP licence.
ImPulse1 is designed for smaller, single mixer applications and is offered with a DSP licence of 128 input channels without compromising its ST2110 capability. With a small overall form factor of 2 x 1U unit, it’s useful for compact installation sites, such as outside broadcast and flypack applications, where space is at a premium.
Argo comes in two sizes; the larger Argo Q model has two mid-level rows of interchangeable panels and the compact Argo S model has one mid-level row. Bothe feature a simple, intuitive, flexible, IP-native surface with supercharged DSP, interchangeable panels and configurable layouts.
Attendees will also have the chance to win exclusive Lego kits in a daily prize draw at the show, with a 200-piece Type R Lego mixing console and a new Lego Argo S IP console up for grabs.