ITN chooses Custom Consoles desks for new control room

Independent Television News (ITN) has chosen a large studio control desk from Custom Consoles as part of a technical upgrade at its headquarters in Gray’s Inn Road, central London. More than 8.8 metres in breadth, the desk is an in-line design occupying almost the full width of Studio Control Suite A.

“The new control desk is based on Custom Consoles’ Module-R series which enabled us to configure exactly the structure we needed without the expense of a fully bespoke design,” says ITN’s head of broadcast engineering, Paul Flook. “The desk is wide enough to accommodate a production team of up to seven people. To achieve this within the space available, we specified a configuration giving extra front-to-back depth to the camera control and lighting section at the right-hand of the desk, a Strand lighting mixer being mounted at 45 degrees across a corner section.”

Centred on a Grass Valley vision switcher, ITN’s new control facility consists of six in-line desk sections combined to form a single unit, plus an integrated right-hand sub-unit supporting the lighting mixer. The two desk sections left of the vision switcher incorporate 4U equipment pods with their control panels rising at 15 degrees from the horizontal work surface. These are augmented on the desk adjacent to the switcher by an auxiliary talkback and server control panel set at 30 degrees. The two desks immediately right of the switcher are fitted with larger equipment bays plus, on the right, inset camera control panels. On the far right, the lighting control desk accommodates two 8U high equipment bays and additional support for the 45 degree angled horizontal worktop.

Finished in maple with a hard-wearing graphite work surface, the new desk is fitted with 10 individually adjustable Ergotron LX monitor arms plus dual monitor support.

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