Lawo radio consoles first to adopt SMPTE 2022-7 standard
Radio increasingly relies on AoIP studio systems, and SMPTE 2022 defines ways for IP networks to cope with the unexpected, ensuring delivery of critical real-time digital audio. Lawo consoles are among the first to have been provided with SMPTE 2022-7 support.
“Radio requires reliability,” said Michael “Catfish” Dosch, senior product manager, Radio OnAir. “AoIP has revolutionized radio, making network reliability a key success factor. If the network fails, you’re out of business. That’s why Lawo is taking the lead, implementing the SMPTE 2022-7 standard for Seamless Protection Switching into its family of radio mixing consoles, as it has already done for its mc² production consoles.”
SPS (also known as “hitless merge”) enables AoIP simultaneous transmission of dual, identical audio streams via independent network paths, providing instant, undetectable switching to backup should the primary link be interrupted.
“Television broadcasters have been pushing hard for network redundancy, and the SMPTE standard provides an excellent solution,” says Dosch. “But redundant networking isn’t useful only for TV; it’s crucial for radio broadcasters, too. Network reliability is job one for live radio — so we’ve added Seamless Protection Switching to our consoles to help ensure that unexpected network problems don’t result in dead air.”
Ruby and Power Core are the world’s first radio consoles to incorporate SMPTE 2022-7 as a standard feature, beginning with Radio Software v6.0. In addition to SPS for Ruby and Power Core, the Radio v6.0 update includes a number of user interface and feature enhancements for all Lawo radio products, including mixing consoles, VisTool GUI Builder software, and Lawo’s OnAir Designer console customisation tool. Clients can download the software by visiting, and clicking the Downloads link.