Le Hangar à Images installs Riedel intercoms in new OB unit
Montreal-based Le Hangar à Images has installed Riedel intercoms in its versatile new mobile production unit that is able to handle up to 16 cameras. With this compact mobile unit, Le Hangar à Images offers the Canadian market a flexible production system that scales cost-effectively to meet the needs of live event productions.
“We designed this mobile unit to give producers and directors access to cutting-edge technologies with a competitive cost structure, and we are proud to say the resulting truck has been a complete success,” says Jonathan Fortin, co-owner of Le Hangar à Images. “Providing comms that our clients say is ‘off the charts’ in terms of sonic quality and ease of use, Riedel is a big part of that success. Unlike other intercom systems we’ve tested, the Riedel Artist digital intercom system is powerful, versatile, and easy to use, and its attractive pricing has allowed us to keep our spending to a minimum.”
The Riedel Artist digital matrix intercom system is a modular and scalable communications platform that can provide up to 1,024 x 1,024 non-blocking ports per system. Other Artist-equipped trucks can be easily connected together via simple fiber links to form larger infrastructures, if needed.
Le Hangar à Images has equipped its unique mobile unit with an Artist 32 digital matrix intercom mainframe, on which two CAT-5 client cards enable connection of eight digital control key-panel ports on individual RJ-45 connectors. One AIO-108 G2 analog client card supplies eight transformer-balanced, four-wire intercom ports on individual RJ-45 connectors to enable connections to equipment including studio loudspeakers, cameras, four-wire leased landlines, and telephone hybrids. The installation includes four 16-key rack-mounted key panels, three eight-key desktop key panels, and six dual-channel beltpacks.
“Le Hangar à Images is revolutionising the way television is made here in North America,” says Daniel Huard, sales manager for Canada at Riedel Communications. “The company understands the practical and cost advantages of smaller-scale units that deploy quickly, offer user-friendly functionality, and, above all else, provide outstanding quality. In this type of production environment, our modular Artist solution is a perfect fit.”