Mobilelinks to expand network capacity using Net Insight’s solutions
Net Insight is working with Northern European media service provider, Mobilelinks, for media network solutions and services for the delivery of live content from premium live sports in the Nordics.
Mobilelinks is expanding its network capacity by deploying Net Insight’s Nimbra solutions at fifty network PoPs for arenas and broadcasters throughout the Nordic countries, offering 10Gbps capacity per arena with ability to deliver multiple uncompressed feeds from each arena from several concurrent productions, including audio and arena networks.
The network capacity will now be expanded by 100Gbps using Net Insight’s terabit media transport platform, the Nimbra 1060. The agile, low latency network enables more and larger productions and accommodates future requirements like new formats and remote production.
“We are delighted to expand our network capacity and to serve premium live sports in the Nordics,” said Andreas Langell, CEO of Mobilelinks. “With this deal, we are strengthening our market position by doubling our switching capacity from 100 to 200Gbps, enabled by the high capacity Nimbra 1060 platform. The upgraded network will have a high degree of flexibility, able to accommodate a range of future customer production and transport requirements.”
“Net Insight is happy to support Mobilelinks, rights owners and broadcasters in the Nordics to deliver exciting live experiences to millions of sports fans. With this deal, we are further strengthening our position in our home markets,” added Crister Fritzson, CEO at Net Insight. “We clearly experience customers’ growing need to expand their network capacity, and our high-capacity network solutions have demonstrated its ability to meet the highest reliability and flexibility requirements.”
The network installation is ongoing since late June, with the first live games expected to be delivered over the network from August. The total order value exceeds SEK 8 million, with around two thirds delivered during the first quarter of 2020 and the remaining part delivered during the second quarter of 2020.