MOOV and Sunset+Vine start BBC racing contract
Graphics specialist MOOV, a dedicated user of Chyron HyperX3 on-air graphics systems, has started work with sports television production company Sunset+Vine on its BBC Horse Racing productions. The contract began with the 2011 Welsh Grand National at Chepstow on Dec 27, and includes the 2012 Grand National at Aintree, the Derby at Epsom Downs, and, of course, Royal Ascot.
“MOOV brings a high level of innovation and expertise to our racing coverage using an industry-leading racing database interface, coupled with experienced operators and designers,” said David Tippett, executive producer at Sunset+Vine. “MOOV’s graphics platform of choice, the Chyron HyperX3, has been used on many high-profile events this year.”
Throughout the complete BBC Horse Racing broadcast schedule, MOOV will provide in-race graphics, including detailed information on each horse — the jockey, trainer, and recent form — the latest betting and results information, as well as presentation graphics such as interview straps and promos. For two new sequences — “Coming Up” and “Runners and Riders” — MOOV will combine a live video source from an EVS system with live information such as headlines and real-time betting information. The company also will provide a telestrator and custom horse racing software that interfaces with PA Sport, the official provider of racing data.
“In addition to providing the speed and reliability that are so very important on all live sports events, our Chyron systems offer valuable tools for integrating graphics and data smoothly,” said Duncan Foot, managing director at MOOV Limited. “The new sequences we are developing require the manipulation of live video mapped to a 3D surface, and this work, which looks amazing, really brings out the best features of the HyperX3.”
During each racing event, the production team will use two Chyron HyperX3 systems connected to the racing database interface software, which means either system can call up live betting and results graphics, or lower-frame straps for interviews and other features. One system will be used on the main race coverage while the other is used for all pre- and post-race work. MOOV will add a third HyperX3 system for the Grand National event, using it exclusively for graphics on the race replay.