Net Insight’s lack of jitters in Daegu
Via its partner SanAm Technology, Net Insight has been chosen as the preferred technology provider for live video production feeds at the IAAF World Athletic Championships in Korea. The Nimbra 680 will be placed onsite at the master control room and event presentation room and live streams will also be distributed to and displayed on the big screen in the arena without delay. The Nimbra 340-HD will be used to distribute HD-SDI feeds from the finish photo room to the OB production vans.
Nimbra was chosen based on its capabilities as a complete end-to-end multi-service platform with carrier-class reliability and unique protection mechanism crucial during live transmission. In addition, it has the flexibility to deliver a high number of HD channels using only one unit.
“We really need no delay in our broadcasting system during the games,” says Sang-Bok Yoo of the IAAF2011 Daegu organisation responsible for outside broadcasting. “SanAm Technology had presented us with the Nimbra platform to be able to provide real-ime contribution/distribution without jitter or delay, and this is what we required. Net Insight has already proven their stability and functionality through several international sporting events, so I appreciate and trust that this will work well for us and we can expect a very successful broadcast of the IAAF2011 in Daegu, Korea.”