Newsbridge conquers the limitations of AI landmark detection
Newsbridge has unveiled a new AI landmark detection capability for indexing and searching media assets. Available on Newsbridge’s Just Index, Cloud Media Hub, Media Marketplace and Live Asset Manager solutions, the location-based search feature enables producers, journalists and media managers to pull up video sequences of known and lesser-known landmarks, including aerial shots, in less than two seconds.
“When a journalist is working on a story, they need to be able to quickly find live, file-based, and archived content related to where the action is happening. For instance, a demonstration in front of the Colorado state capitol building requires video footage of the political scene,” said Frederic Petitpont, Newsbridge co-founder and CTO. “Previously, journalists relied on manual annotators or off-the-shelf AI landmark detection services that are limited and expensive. Our dataset is larger, and we can specifically detect when there’s an aerial shot. Our AI technology automatically analyses media more efficiently, enabling us to be very competitive on cost.”
Petitpont continued: “With our new AI landmark detection feature, locating video clips of historic structures, monuments, cityscapes and landscapes is lightning fast.”
Newsbridge’s AI indexing technology fuels speedier news and sports production for leading media organisations, broadcasters, TV channels and sports rightsholders. Adding the landmark detection feature to Newsbridge’s Multimodal AI indexing and search technology allows users to detect a variety of entities in media assets — including location, people, logos, objects, patterns, speech and scenes.
Media managers can use Newsbridge’s AI landmark detection feature for a range of use cases, including selling landmark clips and aerial shots to potential buyers, discovering familiar sights within existing video content to enrich their archive, storing indexed results in a dedicated search engine, and running AI indexing on live streams to optimise search, clip creation and the delivery of recordings to media asset management and third-party storage systems.