NOA streamlines Finland’s national broadcast, archiving operations
Technology from NOA Audio Solutions is playing an important role in the digital preservation of content for Finland’s national broadcaster, YLE, and the country’s National Library. Both longtime users of NOA archiving systems, YLE and the National Library’s Centre for Preservation and Digitisation have recently upgraded to JobDB 3.0, with YLE also installing a CD Lector system to accelerate the archiving of content on CD.
YLE’s CD Lector system includes certified CD drives and a streamlined process that provides automatic segmentation and eliminates the broadcaster’s previous track-by-track manual linking method.
“For ten years NOA has provided YLE with successful archiving solutions that we have been able to grow with and adapt as our needs evolve,” says Seppo Rokka, system manager operations at YLE. “The addition of the NOA CD Lector earlier this year is the latest example of this adaptation, enabling us to create for the first time a fully integrated system for processing CD content, with a big improvement in throughput and efficiency.”
At Finland’s National Library Centre for Preservation and Digitisation a major priority has been to create state-of-the-art metadata schemes to allow optimal search and retrieval of digitised content. By upgrading its NOA ingestLINE actLINE and jobDB installation to version 3.0, the centre has enhanced its existing workflows for greater automation and productivity.
“The new features of this upgrade have greatly reduced the manual workload for our archiving specialists, and therefore we can now put much higher volumes of content through the metadata process with the same human resources,” says Juha Korvenpää, curator of the audio collection at the Centre for Preservation and Digitisation.
The jobDB system allows users to set up workflows for the ingest, reshaping and analysis of media as required for archiving, retranscoding, or other complex business processes. jobDB 3.0 includes major efficiency enhancements including native MediaButler connection and automatic skipping of Check Tasks for Enable conditions in Enhanced Business Workflows.