Pilat Media heads for the cloud with IBMS Express
New from Pilat Media is IBMS Express, a modular entry-level business management system based on the company’s broadcast management solutions. Deployed as a cloud-based platform, IBMS Express has been developed to address the full spectrum of broadcast business management functions.
“Media companies large and small are faced with the complexities of today’s multiplatform TV environment. The challenge is how to remain efficient and generate revenues while dealing with increased workloads, more services, and a growing number of channels,” says Fabrice Beer-Gabel, senior vice president of sales and marketing at Pilat Media. “In response to this challenge, we have taken our many years of experience in broadcast management best practice to create a cloud-based solution that is quick to implement and easy to maintain, and that lets everyone — from smaller specialty networks to broadcast stations to pay-TV platform operators — stay competitive.”
IBMS Express is designed to be easily configured and ready for use in a matter of weeks, with Pilat Media’s professional services team providing configuration, training and ongoing maintenance of the live system.
The first IBMS Express module Pilat Media will launch is Content Express, which allows broadcasters to schedule media assets and manage them throughout the broadcast lifecycle, from acquisition to postproduction processing, transmission, and reconciliation. Additional modules for sales, rights and on-demand management will follow.