SSL releases DAW Control for System T
SSL has announced the release of DAW Control for System T. System T DAW Control makes best ergonomic use of the hardware controls within Fader & Master Tiles and System T’s superior multi-gesture touch screens. The DAW Control system uses a HUI implementation, so is designed primarily for use with Pro Tools and is compatible with Reaper, Logic and any other HUI compatible DAW.
System T DAW control can be configured in banks of 8 consecutive channels with a maximum of four banks providing 32 physical console faders for DAW Control. The system can be used to control up to four separate DAW’s. There is no limit to the number of tracks in a Pro Tools session that can be accessed as tracks can be scrolled or banked on to the console faders as required using the scroll and bank keys in the Fader Tile. Pro Tools Memory Locations can also be used to recall specific track layouts. When using System T as the primary control surface for a Pro Tools mix session, configuring two bays as a 32-fader surface and banking in 32 track increments is probably the optimal solution. When Pro Tools is being used as playback source together with other live console inputs the optimal solution is probably configuring a dedicated 16 Fader DAW control bay with the other console bays available to handle standard input and output channel paths.
Hardware control is primarily via the System T Fader Tiles with the faders, switches, and encoders mapped to DAW mixer functions instead of System T processing. The faders control DAW Track Level and the encoders Track Panning and Send levels. A Flip function allows the faders to set Send levels. Track Arming and Automation modes can be set via the Q switch. A DAW Popout software interface available in the Channel View on the touch screen contains buttons to assign the encoder function, setup track automation modes, offers basic transport control, plus channel scrolling and banking buttons and other useful master functions. All these functions together with additional commands available in the HUI protocol can be mapped to User Keys in the Master Tile as well as incorporated into Event Manager scripts.
A DAW Channel View interface can be called to the screen from the main System T Channel View interface or when a DAW Channel is selected in a Fader Tile. This DAW Channel interface shows additional information and provides touch screen control for an extensive collection of DAW track parameters.
DAW control is available with T-SOLSA software and will use the port selected in the Setup Options Network page to communicate with a Pro Tools system on another PC or MAC. A System-T Fader Tile may be connected via USB enabling the T-SOLSA PC to function as a remote 16-Fader DAW controller.
DAW Control for System T is a free update and is included in the V1.8 release of System T which also includes a collection of new features and system enhancements.