VIDI provides 10G data connection for Gymnastics World Championships
The 49th Gymnastics World Championships took place between 4 and 13 October 2019 in Stuttgart. Around 540 gymnasts from 92 nations competed against each other for World Championships medals.
During the Championships, VIDI provided Eurovision Services with a redundant 10G data connection from the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle event site for the transmission of live TV signals. Via the connection provided by VIDI between Stuttgart and the handover location in Frankfurt, a total of four international customers were connected, who then transmitted their produced signals to international broadcasters.
The EBU is the world’s largest alliance of public media companies with members in 56 countries. The EBU operates Eurovision Services, the distributor and producer of high quality television signals, that provides broadcasters with a wide array of content from live sports and news events to entertainment, culture and