Vizrt signs deals across Europe
Vizrt has had a successful period in the run up to NAB, signing deals with unnamed broadcasters in France, Italy and Turkey worth a combined €2m plus.
The biggest deal, around €1m, is for the implementation of broadcast graphics, web and mobile products with a ‘French television station’.
Martin Burkhalter, Vizrt’s CEO, stated: “This deal is a very good example of a broadcaster signing up to our integrated technology philosophy, which is steeped in the economic realities of the media industry. Following implementation, the customer will have a cost efficient way to produce, store, repackage and reuse compelling, high quality and uniformly branded content. The station will also have multichannel and multiplatform distribution capabilities, thereby increasing their addressable audience, critical in today’s quest for advertising revenues, while at the same time protecting the bottom line.”
The deal provides the station with tools for news production, including Viz Content Pilot, Vizrt’s content management solution. Viz World is easily accessible in the newsroom, control room and design department, and will allow the broadcaster to display branded maps.
In Master Control, Viz Multichannel will handle all channel branding on multiple networks while being triggered by the station’s automation system. Viz Ticker will also be in place to provide constant scrolling of news information. Real time, HD content will be handled by Viz Engine.
The company is bolstering its online and mobile presence with an investment in the Vizrt Online Suite and Viz Media Engine. The Vizrt Online Suite will be driving web and mobile content by providing a sophisticated CMC and back-end web publishing platform. Viz Media Engine will provide transcoding for videos published to the web and mobile devices.
Then there’s the €900k deal for the implementation of Broadcast Graphics and MAM products with ‘a television station in Italy’.
The client, presently a user of a Viz weather system only, will apparently implement an integrated BG/MAM system. The Vizrt installation will be used for a complete news channel redesign and upgrade to HD, with production tools being in the Newsroom for use by designers and journalists. These products include Viz Artist for conception and design of real time 3D graphics. Viz Content Pilot for the management of template-based content in the Newsroom. Furthermore, with Viz Media Engine, Vizrt’s video content MAM solution, media will be searchable and can be edited and sent to playlists from within the journalist’s newsroom control environment. Viz Content Pilot will also be used as a character generator in the control room. Viz Engine will be the real-time rendering platform for all content.
And finally, a €265 deal sees the forthcominge implementation of Broadcast Graphics products with ‘a television station in Turkey’.
Interestingly enough, the deal includes upgrading existing Vizrt systems to stereoscopic 3D output on the Viz Engine, as well as soft and hardware for a new studio. Additionally, the broadcaster purchased multiple Viz Engine, Vizrt’s real time 3D rendering platform. In the design department, Viz Artist was added to be the dynamic 3D animation design tool. Viz Trio, Vizrt’s character generator, has been purchased to control graphic playback in the control room.