AdApt brings AI and machine learning to advertising

AdApt has now been tailored to the baseball market
UniqFeed has discussed the launch of AdApt, a software that brings AI and machine learning into virtual advertising.
According to uniqFeed, virtual advertising is a rapidly emerging technology, and as demand for a cost-efficient and flexible solutions continues to grow, more and more providers are entering the space.
In response to this observation, uniqFeed launched its AdApt software-based virtual advertising solution to set itself apart from other providers in the industry.
UniqFeed has said it took an AI and machine learning approach when developing its technology, the purpose of which was to provide the most accurate, flexible, and realistic solution in the industry. With AI and machine learning, the company believes that highly realistic segmentation can be achieved without the need for any camera adaptations, customised boards, or green screens, meaning that augmented content can be placed upon almost any background, offering flexibility and future-proofing the technology for new and innovative potential use cases.
Computer vision technology allows uniqFeed’s AdApt software to recognise what is foreground and what is background within the camera feed. As a result, a player, ball or any other object moving in front of virtually placed content will do so in a realistic way, without the virtual content obscuring the moving elements.
A key benefit of the software, according to uniqFeed, lies in its ability to “learn”, over time, what is background and what is foreground, allowing a much greater degree of flexibility in terms of the surface or background upon which augmented content can be placed. Content can, therefore, be virtually placed on the playing field, onto existing physical advertising space such as perimeter boards, or even onto the seats and stands within the stadium. This, the company notes, has the effect of increasing potential advertising inventory beyond physical limitations.
The software-only approach also allows the software to integrate seamlessly into the production workflow. Without the need to make any adaptations to in-stadium equipment, such as installing green screens or new LED boards, uniqFeed can deploy its technology remotely, whether that be down the street from the stadium or even in a different country. This serves the dual purpose of reducing costs, and keeping the intrusion into the event production and broadcast workflow to a minimum.
uniqFeed claims it has successfully deployed its technology using multiple cameras, at indoor and outdoor racket sport events and has recently released the latest version of its software which has been tailored to the baseball market.