Nordic Summit 2018
On January 15-16 2018 SVG Europe will join forces with NCE Media and Media City Bergen for its first-ever Nordic Summit. The venue for this event is the recently opened Media City Bergen complex in Norway, which has already made its mark as a leading international media cluster with Vizrt, Vizrt, Vimond, Mediability, Sixty, Highsoft, TV 2, NRK, Bergens Tidende, BA and the University of Bergen (Dept. of Information Science and Media Studies) among the key players.
In addition to housing some of the leading broadcast and media industry vendors, the site also plays host to a Media Innovation Lab and a startup lab, which together provide the core of the innovation and research projects for the cluster and its partners.
The SVG Europe Nordic Summit will include an extensive tour of the Media City Bergen site as well as a half-day seminar programme including sessions on the development of the site, the present and future of broadcast sports graphics, the possibilities heralded by remote production, and a keynote conversation with Eirik Solheim, Strategic Advisor of Norwegian broadcaster NRK.
Attendance to this summit will be primarily geared towards SVG Europe’s Platinum Sponsors and invited delegates based in the Nordics.
SVG Europe Nordic Summit 2018
In association with NCE Media/Media City Bergen
January 15:
1900-2100 Pre-Event Reception
January 16:
1000-1200 Registration & Tour of Media City Bergen
1130-1300 Networking Lunch & Coffee
1300-1305 Opening Remarks from Media City Bergen and SVG Europe
1305-1310 Opening Remarks from Title Sponsor Vizrt
Presented by:
Petter Ole Jakobsen, Vizrt, CTO
1310-1330 Keynote Conversation
Fergal Ringrose, SVG Europe, Executive Editor
Eirik Solheim, NRK, Strategic Advisor
1330-1410 Building Media City Bergen – The Inside Story
Media City Bergen has been a long time in the making, and from concept to completion was put together during an era when core technologies were evolving on a monthly basis. The result is one of the most technically advanced production facilities in the world, combining cutting-edge production environments, innovative manufacturers, and more. This session will explore the origins and objectives of this landmark development.
Anne Jacobsen, NCE Media, CEO
David Davies, SVG Europe, Editor
1410-1445 Interview with Steve Hellmuth, NBA, EVP
One of the most well-known and respected executives in sports broadcasting reflects on career highlights and technological trends.
Ken Kerschbaumer, Sports Video Group, Editorial Director
1445-1515 Graphics – Present and Future
Graphics creation tools, augmented reality, and analysis tools are very much at the center of new developments in sports broadcasting, so what lies ahead for sports graphics and analysis? Leading CTOs from the Media City discuss the present and future of this important market segment.
Kjetil Horneland, Sixty, CEO
Panellists include:
Doug Clark, IBM, Global Cloud & Cognitive Solutions Leader
Petter Ole Jakobsen, Vizrt, CTO
Steve Hellmuth, NBA, EVP Operations & Technology
1515-1545 Networking Break
1545-1630 Nordic Broadcasters – Where Are We Headed?
Sports broadcasting in the Nordic region continues to evolve. The session will examine some of the critical questions including: How is OTT changing the role of broadcasters in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland? What steps are they taking to cut production costs and drive innovation? And should broadcasters across the region look to share technology and more?
Helge Høibraathen, Vimond, CEO
Marius Bjerke, TV2 Sumo, Product Director
Risto Koivula, MTV Oy, COO/CTO
Bjarne Andre Myklebust, NRK, Head of Distribution
1630-1730 Nordic Remote Production Service Providers – An Update
Remote production facility providers and technology specialists from across Europe and the USA take to the stage to discuss the future of their business, facility design, and more.
Scott Rothenberg, NEP Group, SVP – Technology & Asset Management
Andy Rayner, Nevion, Chief Technologist
James Clement, Sky Sports, Head of Operations
Ole Johan Skogheim, Mediability, Head of Systems
1730-1900 Networking Reception