Sport Production Awards
SVG Europe’s 2017 Sport Production Awards will be held as part of the Sport Production Summit, taking place at the DeLaMar Theatre in Amsterdam on Thursday 14th September, ahead of IBC 2017 .
The Awards are being expanded this year with two new categories. The new Outstanding Digital Achievement category will recognise achievement related to digital and social media sports content creation and distribution. Together with the Outstanding Technical Achievement and Outstanding Live Event Achievement Awards, nominations are open to any company or organisation involved in sports broadcasting. Click Here to Nominate
Also new this year is the Outstanding Contribution to the European Sports Production Community Award, which will be be awarded by a team of industry peers to the individual they feel has made an exceptional contribution to the world of sports broadcasting.
The post-Awards Networking Party will be held at the RAI on evening of Saturday 16th September. Both the Awards and Networking Party are sponsored by Canon.
OUTSTANDING TECHNICAL ACHIEVEMENT: The Outstanding Technical Achievement award is presented to a specific technical achievement within a larger production. Some examples include a new use of augmented reality, a new camera system, a new approach to live event audio. The award is not for the technology itself but rather its use within an event in a positive and meaningful way.
OUTSTANDING LIVE EVENT ACHIEVEMENT: SVG Europe wishes to recognise a truly memorable live sports event production, a complex team effort that delivers outstanding coverage of a key sporting event right across the disciplines of planning, production, resources and on-site operations.
OUTSTANDING DIGITAL ACHIEVEMENT: The Outstanding Digital Achievement award is presented to the best production or innovation that was distributed via digital distribution methods that include OTT, an app, VR, and social media platforms. Nominees will be evaluated on the level of innovation and quality of production.
OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO THE EUROPEAN SPORTS PRODUCTION COMMUNITY (not open to general nominations): The SVG Europe award is presented to an individual who has changed or significantly influenced the nature of sports content creation and distribution within Europe. Criteria include longevity within the industry, the impact their professional career has had on the entire sports production community, and their commitment to moving the industry forward in a positive way.