Sport Production Summit 2018: FIFA’s Florin Mitu confirmed as keynote speaker for Amsterdam conference
FIFA Head of Broadcast Production Florin Mitu will be among the line-up of exclusive speakers at SVG Europe’s 2018 Sport Production Summit which is taking place on Thursday 13 September at the DeLaMar Theatre in Amsterdam.
In a session called ‘FIFA World Cup 2018 Review’, Mitu will discuss the host broadcast operation in Russia, outlining the production challenges and opportunities that it posed and highlighting the lessons learned.
The session, chaired by SVG Global Editorial Director Ken Kerschbaumer, will kick off a packed afternoon of insightful seminars that will also include speakers from DAZN and NEP.
Other topics on the agenda for the Sport Production Summit 2018 include digital personalisation, remote production and IP within outside broadcasting.
The Sport Production Summit will be followed by SVG Europe’s Sport Production Awards.
For more details and to register please visit:
The Sport Production Summit will take place on 13 September 2018 at the DeLaMar Theatre in Amsterdam.