SVG Europe Women announces IBC flashmob with Rise, Gals N’ Gear, Women in Streaming Media and AWS

SVG Europe Women is one part of a female collective hitting IBC 2023 with a flashmob that will take place on Saturday 16 September at 8.30am outside the Rai.

Joining fellow women’s empowerment groups, Rise, Gals N’ Gear, Women in Streaming Media and Amazon, women from across the broadcasting industry are coming together in a show of female strength at IBC.

Heather McLean, head of SVG Europe Women, commented on the flashmob: “Women have always been a strong part of the IBC tradition, but their numbers are diluted by the vast volume of men on site, which often makes women feel like the only person of their gender in the hall. The flashmob is a simple way of showing the strength in our numbers. Join us for a coffee, wave a flag, meet new people and be part of a new tradition at IBC.”

Register here to join the women’s flashmob at IBC!

Taking place at the BT Media & Broadcast OB stand outside the Rai (stand 0.A17) attendees will be greeted by the heads of the five groups brandishing coffee and flags. See you there!


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