Apple Xsan users to benefit from Quantum StorNext
Quantum has announced support for the Xsan Distributed LAN Client in the public beta of Apple’s forthcoming operating system, OS X El Capitan. Now OS X El Capitan users can easily connect Xsan clients over Ethernet to a Quantum StorNext environment, enabling them to experience the full benefits of a StorNext-based workflow.
StorNext, Quantum’s shared storage platform which is 100 percent Xsan-compatible, has long allowed Mac users to plug into StorNext environments via Fibre Channel for high-performance workflow storage and collaboration. Increasingly, however, content owners are looking to leverage lower-cost Ethernet connectivity within their media workflows for such tasks as file inspection, QA and digital daily review. With the public beta release of OS X El Capitan, Xsan users can now enjoy full client access to a StorNext SAN environment to perform these critical tasks, using a simple Ethernet connection.
The new Xsan Distributed LAN Client-StorNext functionality is now available for testing in the public beta of OS X El Capitan.
Alex Grossman, Vice President, Media and Entertainment, Quantum said, “Mac systems have long been the platform of choice for creative professionals who, in turn, have long relied on StorNext and Fibre Channel connectivity to deliver the performance and reliability they require. Now, the availability of a high-performance IP connection to Apple clients through StorNext is a significant step forward for users looking to take full advantage of an end-to-end StorNext storage environment. In short, Mac users working with StorNext now have the freedom to use the best connectivity for any given element of the workflow — a new level of flexibility that can enable greater efficiency and productivity while reducing costs.”