ATEME takes second-place worldwide
It’s not often you get a press release trumpeting a company’s second place position, but when it comes to Frost & Sullivan ranking ATEME in second place in the Production Video Transcoding market with an 11% share in their most recent 2011 World Video Transcoder Market Report, it’s probably worth shouting about.
In the report, Frost & Sullivan also mentions, “ATEME has been gaining market share rapidly on the strength of its products which are used extensively for creating VOD libraries in high quality.”
“We are extremely excited to have our TITAN software transcoding family recognized for its outstanding sell-through performance over the last 3 years,” said Michel Artières, President and CEO of ATEME. “This recognition, combined with our 57% growth in revenue in 2010, illustrates that ATEME is rapidly consolidating market share.”
“ATEME has grown strength to strength over the last two-three years with a dedicated focus on evolving multimedia video requirements with streamlined and high quality solutions for the professional media & entertainment space,” says Vidya S Nath, Global Industry Manager, Digital Media Practice at Frost & Sullivan.
According to the Frost & Sullivan Report, Production transcoding is defined “as solutions that modify compressed media as it travels through production and post-production workflows and non-linear editing towards archiving and delivery.”
The technology solutions behind Production transcoding are routinely used for premium VOD (video on-demand) and Multi-Screen video content preparation. ATEME’s products are currently used worldwide by customers such as DirecTV, Orange, and Japan’s NHK. ATEME is widely known as producing the highest quality video file transcoding output available.