Brightcove launches QoE Analytics and Insights to measure video performance
Brightcove has launched Quality of Experience (QoE) Analytics and Insights, two products to help media organisations and enterprises understand the quality of the delivery of their streaming video content and measure its impact on user experiences. The solution uses machine learning to transform raw data into actionable insights that customers and content owners can use to enhance the viewer experience and increase audience engagement.
“As a media company, it is imperative to understand how your video content is performing and being delivered and received by your target audience,” said Marty Roberts, SVP of product strategy and marketing for Brightcove. “By introducing these two new products focused on the quality of experience for video, Brightcove is giving its customers the necessary tools to make data-informed decisions about its content, that content’s delivery and the actions needed to enhance the viewer experience further and drive engagement.”
As the quality of a viewer’s experience can significantly impact their loyalty to the content they consume, Brightcove’s introduction of a QoE solution can be crucial to a company’s content success.
Through the use of any Brightcove-powered playout and players, QoE Analytics will collect, synthesise and surface metrics for troubleshooting and improving users’ viewing experience across a wide range of dimensions. Metrics reported will include error rate, average video start time, stall rate and average upscale time.
Building on the QoE Analytics information, QoE Insights will incorporate the data and user engagement metrics to bring impactful insights for media companies to determine their audience’s QoE tolerance, abandonment factors, and driving factors for intervention. The reports will aggregate a QoE Score, QoE Tolerance and QoE Benchmarks.
With these two products, Brightcove customers will be able to gauge how viewers experience their video content and if there are any impairments that may negatively impact engagement. As a result, customers will receive data-backed reports on content performance and how changes made within their publishing, delivery and viewing platforms impact viewers.